Red Lips & Eyerolls


September 22, 2020 Katara McCarty Season 2 Episode 51

Louiza "Weeze" Doran is our guest on this week's episode. Weeze is a coach, advocate, podcast host, agent of change, strategist, and educator. She holds a BA in Sociology from Berkeley (Class of 2008!), having parents that were born into Colonial Africa, it is a field that she wanted to study since she was radicalized from a young age.

Weeze worked in music and professional sports all the while taking notice of the ways that Black and Brown bodies and culture were used and commodified in popular culture/America. After years working in the corporate and non-profit realms she quickly realized that in order to alter our social reality as a whole, we as people had to shift and thus she began her coaching and educating practice with two distinct branches: Anti-racism & decolonization and empowerment & authentic alignment.

Listen in as we chat with Weeze about how anti-racism is a state of being. 

Follow Weeze and access her resources on Instagram @accordingtoweeze