Red Lips & Eyerolls


January 15, 2021 Katara McCarty Season 3 Episode 54

This week's guest Rachel Gilliam chats with us about her amazing work and her online reset that is led by Black women for all women. 

Rachel Symone Gilliam runs an online platform centered around owning her grief and encouraging others to live their best life on purpose. As a young widow and bone marrow transplant survivor, she is no stranger to heartache, loss, or hard seasons and invites you along in her own journey to self to help you open the door to your personal healing. 

She lives life in Dallas, TX and is all about self-care, wellness, and rosè. As the host of the Rosè with Rae podcast, founder of Unapologetic Womxnhood, and creator of Daily Rae, a daily encouragement text -- she has made it her mission to live her best life on purpose and to invite you to do the same. (use code KATARA10 to get $10 off ticket)